Starrs Aligned - Post ScriptThat mans wife reached out to me. Someone took the time to print the first two parts of my blog and mailed it to her without a return...
Part 4 Placeholder - It’s not right, but it’s okay.And here comes my phone ringing, it’s him. He spends hours going over his thoughts and feelings of loss and hurt about us since the last...
Is that firework's? Part 3The next day I video chat per our normal routine and he doesn’t answer. I send a text and go about my business. Then eventually I get...
Beautiful Lies- Part 2That evening I’m prepared to break it all off or at least slow it down drastically. I walk in to a full home cooked southern meal, fresh...
Starr Spangled Shit ShowSit tight while I tell you about what will be recalled in my dating history as the Starr Spangled Shit Show.
No Strings AttachedNSA. Im going to be honest. The more I’ve learned about myself, intimacy and sexual exploits. I know that no strings attached just ain’t...
Neesh's Yelp Eats - Near and Far!Here's the thing, folks are always asking me for food recommendations. So I started compiling lists by city/state. I hope you enjoy....
I’m going around the world!Adds #beenaroundtheworld to playlist. Okay, I’m lying Lisa Stansfield has been on my playlist since 1989. I booked my first round the...
This Was Us- More and Less than expectedSo I watch "This Is Us" a little behind everyone else. Not intentionally, that's just how it happens. Well anyway, I was catching...
10 minutesOriginally written December 25, 2014. I ended up injuring myself majorly on that run to catch my flight. My first full day in Belize...